{Nadeem Haddadeen}

Arabic SEO Consultant, Python for SEO From Jordan

Arabic Keyword Research Guide 2022

Arabic Keyword Research Guide 2022

It does two things when it comes to Arabic keyword research. Improves your search engine rankings and attracts the correct individuals to your posts and pages. Pay-per-click (PPC) ads aren't necessary if you do it well.

In contrast, poor keyword selection can leave your website in the obscurity of search engines. Even worse, if they don't match the customer's intent, they can harm your reputation.

A systematic approach to finding the most acceptable keyword phrases for your content is provided in this guide on conducting keyword research.

What Are Keywords, and How Are They Used?

These are the words and phrases that potential buyers use to find what you're selling. They can significantly impact your business's success since they reveal essential information, such as the thinking of potential buyers when they try to locate the products you sell. Search engine optimization (SEO) and general marketing take advantage of these elements when integrated into your content.

What's the Point of Doing Keyword Research?

What's the Point of Doing Keyword Research?

Google and other search engines can tell what your business is about and what you're selling by looking at your website's keywords. Your firm's website is more likely to show up in the search results of potential clients looking for items or services that your company offers.

Arabic Keywords in articles, blogs, and product descriptions can help you rank in search engine results and generate traffic and new leads for many months or even years after you've published the pages. Organic traffic can outperform sponsored traffic or advertising if you rank for a relevant keyword to your page's content.

Consumers are increasingly turning to the internet to hunt for goods and services. There was a 22% rise in traffic volume for the 1,000 most popular pages between 2019 to 2020.

It would help if you did Arabic keyword research since the more free clicks your website gets, the better. Twenty-eight percent of all clicks are going to the first organic result. That's down to 5% by the time you get to the 6th-placed result.

What Is Keyword Intent?

What Is Keyword Intent?

It is essential to undertake Arabic keyword research to find the phrases and terms people use to find your page or post on the internet. As a result, the method is more complex than just looking for similar terms.

You may not be in the same mentality as potential clients when it comes to your business because you know it so well. Shoppers may use different keywords to search for your products or services than you do, so it's essential to make sure you're targeting the right audience.

You may not get the traffic you expect from the keywords you've chosen because clients may be searching for something else or in a different stage of the purchasing process than your keywords suggest.

The buyer's intent behind a term and whether or not your content matches it should be considered when conducting keyword research for SEO purposes.

Search intent can be divided into four distinct categories

  • Informational
  • Navigational 
  • Transactional
  • Commercial

Customers are more likely to stay on your page if the content they see is relevant to their search. This improves your search engine rankings and helps you develop trust with your customers.

Trigger Words for User Intention

User intent can be broken down into four distinct categories, each of which is linked to a unique type of keyword search. It is important to select the correct trigger phrases to attract visitors seeking the type of material you are providing.


People looking for information will inquire about who, what, where, when, and why. For example, you might type in "signs of lactose intolerance," "best-baked chicken legs recipe," or "history of Dayton, Ohio" when looking for information.


Navigational searches frequently include the name of a firm or ask for essential information. For example, "Bank of America Login" or "LA Fitness Hours."


"reviews," "compare," "best," "vs.," and "top ten" are examples of transactional search trigger words. In the last stages of deciding which product or service is ideal for them, these shoppers compare and contrast.


Prospects who are ready to make a purchase are the ones who use commercial search engines. Brand names, particular goods (such as "Android phone"), product categories (such as "floral dresses"), and words such as "cast iron pans" are included.

  • Buy
  • Discount
  • Shipping
  • Coupon
  • Join
  • Subscribe

You should employ transactional or commercial search trigger phrases if you're trying to sell a product. Use these keywords in your webpage's title, meta description, and on-page material (such as headers) to improve your search engine rankings for queries where customers are more likely to make a purchasing decision.

Understanding the Various Types of Keywords

Understanding the Various Types of Keywords

Knowing a few basic words is essential to making the most of your keyword research.

Focus Keyword

Focus keywords or phrases accurately represent the subject of your blog article or page. Search engines will look for your page primarily for this keyword or phrase.

The most important keywords to your post's success may be spread out over several different places.

Long-tail Keywords

Three or more words are required for a long-tail keyword. When customers are further along in the purchasing process or using voice search, they are more likely to use these terms.

Long-tail keywords are especially beneficial when the market you're trying to break into has a lot of competition. You can target long-tail keywords instead of short, standard terms if you want to stand out from the crowd.

Long-tail keywords, on the whole, tend to bring in a higher quality of visitors to your website. If someone is looking for a "toaster," they could be in the market for one, doing research, or just looking for a picture of one. "4 slice chrome toaster" indicates that the customer knows exactly what they want, and maybe ready to buy.

An online store's product names are an excellent source of long-tail keyword possibilities. Make sure that you target words that people would use to describe your products in a conversational context. Using "cars" instead of "automobile" in long-tail keywords is recommended if you're selling cars.

Keyword Search Volume

The average number of times a term or phrase is typed into a search engine per month is known as the search volume. It is possible to look up a keyword's total worldwide search volume, or you may limit it down to a single geographic location.

The more people search for your product or service, the more potential customers you and your website have.

Keyword Competition

One of the primary purposes of conducting keyword research is to improve your visibility in search results on engines like Google and Bing. Competitors can attest to the difficulty of such an endeavor.

The ideal term has high search traffic but minimal competition in your target market. The more competitive a keyword is, the more difficult it will be to rank for it.

It's conceivable that you work in a highly competitive field. Instead of ranking for highly competitive keyword phrases, it's best to focus on long-tail keywords with lower search volume and less competition.

It's critical to recognize the distinction between paid and natural competition. Google's free Keyword Planner will inform you how competitive a keyword is for sponsored traffic.. Occasionally, this is linked to organic traffic. For this kind of information, you'll need a premium service like Ahrefs or Ubersuggest.

Methods for Finding Arabic Keywords

You're all set to begin your Arabic keyword research now that you know what it's for. Here's a method for coming up with a list of keywords to utilize in your blog posts, web pages, and marketing materials.

Think About the Significant Issues That Affect Your Business and Make a List of Those

If you're a frequent blogger, you may already have a few go-to topics in your repertoire. These could be product categories. You should first construct a spreadsheet with generic categories or "buckets" for your search terms.

This should be a shortlist, no more than five to ten themes at the most. Consider yourself a customer looking for what you have to offer.

What Phrases Do You Think Customers Use When Discussing a Given Topic?

Think of the words or phrases your target consumer may use for each category to find information, products, or services.

Look through your organic search traffic bucket to uncover keywords customers are already using to get at your website if you already have data from website analytics software like Google Analytics or HubSpot's Sources report.

Instead of providing a final list of Arabic keywords, this is a chance for you to brainstorm for data points that can help you narrow down your study and make it more effective.

Add each broad category to your spreadsheet by creating a list. Inquire about suggestions from your coworkers and staff, especially those interacting with customers. They could be a source of new ideas and insights.

Look for Keywords Synonyms for the Search Phrases You Entered

  • In Google, type in a keyword phrase, and then scroll down until you see a list of similar search terms in bold at the bottom of the page.
  • Check out the list Google suggests on the second page after selecting one of the associated searches for further information.
  • Searches on AnswerThePublic are free up to three times daily. When you use this tool, you'll get a list of standard search terms linked to your subject matter.
  • Alternatively, you may type your keyword phrase into Google's Keyword Planner or one of the paid programs listed below and discover what additional similar terms people use.

Analyze the Strength of Your Arabic Keyword Phrases

This next step will be a breeze with Keyword Planner or a paid keyword research or SEO tool. If you're just getting started, you can try out the free versions of Wordtracker and Ubersuggest. Some of the most popular include Ahrefs, Semrush, Wordtracker, and Ubersuggest.

When Performing Arabic Keywords Analysis, Keep an Eye Out for the Following

  • Know exactly what you are looking for? Make sure that your keyword phrase precisely matches the search term used by users.
  • How many people are searching for this? If no one searches for a keyword term, you won't get any benefit from focusing your marketing efforts on it. Look for the most people searching for your topic.
  • What's the level of opposition? The paid tools distinguish between paid ads and organic search competition. You'd like a more considerable organic search traffic with fewer competitors. That's where you want to land.
  • You may have overlooked terms with significant search volume and little organic search competition.

Find Out Where You Stand in Relation to the Rest of Your Industry

Identifying less competitive long-tail Arabic keywords is a good idea if you're fighting against well-known brands that already dominate the first page of Google for most of the terms you've identified.

Your most preferred search Arabic keywords can be found in the SERP. Refine your list with long-tail keywords if it contains strong brand names that have more influence and market share than your firm has (at the time).

If your competitors haven't produced high-quality material, this technique isn't for you. It is possible to outrank them even if they spend more money marketing their brand if your material is superior in length, quality, and structure.

Check Search Intent

Consumers search for something when they type in a search term into Google. There is a correct answer for every question.

By entering your keyword phrase into a search engine, you may confirm that you comprehend the intent of your customers. What are the top-ranked pages for that phrase?

Trying to sell to a buyer looking for information can result in a quick bounce, affecting your search engine rankings. They will be thrilled if you deliver the product page when they are ready to buy.

Check the buyer intent for each keyword in your spreadsheet before developing content based on that keyword. This will ensure that your material will be relevant to your target audience.

Your SEO Approach Is Built on the Foundation of Keyword Research

In addition to helping search engines categorize the information you provide online, keywords also help customers locate you. They are, however, simply one part of a comprehensive SEO plan.

Building high-quality content around your Arabic keyword phrases is the best way for your blog posts and pages to rank well in search engine results. Make it easier to understand, provide more excellent value, and provide a more comprehensive response. With each new post, outdo your rivals.

In addition, each article's design and on-page SEO should be carefully considered. Take care to make your page readable on a phone or tablet.

SEO is for both humans and search engines. The first step is to conduct keyword research. As a result of this, Google knows that you're doing a good job because of the time your visitors spend on your site.

Organic search engine optimization takes time to develop. On the other hand, most organizations enjoy a steady rise in their SERP positions over time. Have fun with it, and don't forget to stay on task.

About the Author

Nadeem Haddadeen
My name is Nadeem Haddadeen, and I'm an SEO professional based in Jordan with over 14 years of experience in the digital world. I specialize in large-scale website optimization, technical SEO, web performance, page speed improvements, Python automation, data analysis, and Arabic SEO. As an experienced instructor, I have a proven track record of providing effective training for teams and developers while honing my skills in communication and collaboration. I'm excited to share my insights and knowledge with you through this blog.